

An actor is on a constant quest to learn - whether this is in a formal classroom, workshop or just through being around other professionals in the rehearsal room, on stage or on set, everything we do constantly helps us develop as performers.

I have been lucky and privileged to undertake a whole range of different classes and workshops around the world - each of which appealed to me at different times and for different reasons - learning different techniques and skills. No two actors will have had the same experience or followed the same path and each must discover their own journey. Some did not make sense or did not resonate at the time but all are part of my journey. Here are some of the practioners I have had the privilege to work with and learn from. I am also thankful for the various books I have been introduced to and have listed some which resonated with me here for you to explore.


University of Kent at Canterbury - BA Hons Drama & History - UKC

Mountview/Altogether Now Films - One Year Acting on Screen

London Centre for Theatre Studies - Postgrad


Susan White (London) - Per Sona

Steve Hudson (London) - VoiceMaster

Terry Besson (London)

Niall Mather (Sydney)

Tina Cousins (Vancouver) - Studio on the Drive

Ian Raffel (Vancouver) - Workshops in the Performing Arts

Acting on Camera

Anne Anderson (Vancouver)

Susan Browse (Vancouver)


Cold Reading

Amy Lyndon (LA) - The Lyndon Technique

Paul Weber (LA) - Paul Weber Casting

Chadwick Struck (LA)

Crystal Carson (LA) - Crystal Carson

Dan Hubbard (UK)


London Centre for Theatre Studies - BADC Level 1

Movie Martial Arts


Lesley Khan (LA) - Lesley Khan


Matt Selby (UK)

 Some great reading resources

  • Trusting the Actor - Brian Astbury

  • The Einstein Factor - Win Wenger & Richard Poe (Three Rivers Press)

  • Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman (Bloomsbury)

  • Shakespeare’s Advice to the Players - Peter Hall (Oberon Books)